Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Early Pregnancy Essay

Introduction Early pregnancy is a serious problem for teenagers. Teenagers who are pregnant cannot usually support the child on their own. Early pregnancy can have various possible reasons. This paper focuses on determining the possible reasons for early pregnancy among teenagers. Conflicts of the teenager Family problem/broken family Victims of child abuse and/or neglect are at increased risk for delinquency and running away. However, existing research indicates that the relationship is not inevitable, because the majority of childhood victims do not manifest these problem behaviors. Significantly less is known about connections between childhood victimization and other problem behaviors, such as teenage pregnancy, alcohol and illicit drug use and abuse, and self-destructive behavior. Current knowledge about these outcomes is sparse and only suggestive. Further research is desperately needed to document whether abused and/or neglected children are at increased risk for these adolescent problem behaviors, in comparison to control children and adolescents, and to indicate the extent or magnitude of these relationships. Despite the paucity of research, one can still speculate on some of the potential mechanisms that may link childhood victimization and adolescent problem behaviors (Lamb and Ketterlinus 140). Childhood victimization appears to increase risk for the development of a range of problems in adolescence, including delinquency and violence, running away, sexual promiscuity and teenage pregnancy, and alcohol and drug use and abuse. However, although there are extensive clinical accounts and speculations about the prevalence of these problem behaviors among adolescents who were abused or neglected in childhood, there is scant systematic evidence concerning the extent of these associations, the increased risk relative to control children, and the underlying causal mechanisms. Current knowledge is limited in quantity and type compromised by methodological problems, almost exclusively limited to vicariate relationships, and often characterized by conflicting findings (Cherry, Dillon and Rugh 104). One cause for an early pregnancy for a teenager is family problems particularly a broken family. A family is a unit that the teenager mostly depends on, seeing it in a broken statewould force the teenager to rebel and commit something drastic. A teenager who has a broken family would be open to temptations because no one reminds him/her what is right thus he/she would involve in premarital sexual activities and would be having a child at an early age. A teenager who has a broken family would want to build his/her own even if he/she is not yet ready. They would try to relive the happy times with their family through creating a new one. Financial problem/both parents have no job to earn money Parents are the ones that need to provide for all the needs of their children. To give the children their needs money is needed. Money is needed to buy clothes, food, lodging and every kind of technology that the children desire. Once the parents cannot produce money since they have no jobs then the children usually carries the load and tries to find sources of income for the family. Financial problem would push a teenager to engage in prostitution which may lead to early pregnancy for her. Financial problem would push a teenager to sell her body for some money. Relationship with friends or other people If a teenager has friend who are considered as flirty or has friends who are not good then it would lead them into early pregnancy. Having flirty friends may make the teenager imitate the behavior and have relationships with different men. This might lead into premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. Having friends who are not good might lead a teenager into doing drugs or being an alcoholic. This also might lead to premarital sex and teenage pregnancy. Summary and Conclusion One cause for an early pregnancy for a teenager is family problems particularly a broken family. A teenager who has a broken family would be open to temptations because no one reminds him/her what is right thus he/she would involve in premarital sexual activities and would be having a child at an early age. A teenager who has a broken family would want to build his/her own even if he/she is not yet ready. They would try to relive the happy times with their family through creating a new one. Another possible reason for teenage pregnancy is financial problems. Financial problem would push a teenager to engage in prostitution which may lead to early pregnancy for her. A reason for teenage pregnancy is having flirty or bad friends. If a teenager has friend who are considered as flirty or has friends who are not good then it would lead them into early pregnancy. It is the responsibility not only of a parent but of other adults to assist a child so that she will not be pregnant early. Teachers or relatives can be the ones to guide the teenager so that she can withstand her problems and refrain from being pregnant at an early age. Bibliography Cherry, Andrew., Dillon, Mary and Rugh, Douglas., Teenage pregnancy: A global view. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001. Lamb, Michael & Ketterlinus, Robert., Adolescent problem behaviors: Issues and research. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Outline the Ways in Which Rubbish Can Be Said to Have Value in a Consumer Society Essay

Shopping is an important part of the modern consumer lifestyle. It is enjoyed as a social activity and is about identity and expression as much as the usefulness of the purchase. People define themselves not only by their jobs, but also by their possessions and the things they own. Rubbish is only considered rubbish because people disvalue it. People want it to be invisible; once the rubbish goes out for collection, it can be forgotten. However, consumer society does value rubbish as value is personal and is never fixed. It can change over time and become re-valued again whether economically or aesthetically or both. This essay will look at the ways in which rubbish is valued in a consumer society by outlining consumption and the increase in rubbish, Bauman’s theory of the seduced and the repressed; Environmental & Economic value and Thompson’s Rubbish Theory. Rubbish per household has increased over the years. Between 1957- 2006, household rubbish had risen by 28%. (Brown, 2009, p.107) This could be attributed to a rise in affluence and the availability of credit, which enables more people to participate in consumer society. Disposable income increases the likelihood of people spending on luxury goods rather than just the essentials. Other possible factors are the increase in mass consumption during that period; shops offer lower prices and more choice. People also eat more; use more services; and buy more clothes and white goods. 9% of total expenditure was spent on services in 1957, compared to 25% in 2006 (which includes personal goods; household and leisure services) (Brown, 2009, p.110) and data collected by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) (Hetherington, 2009, p.23) shows that the average household spends more on recreation and culture (luxuries) than non-alcohol and food (essentials). Although the data cannot take every circumstance into account, it does suggest that as people became more affluent over the years, the amount of money spent on luxuries increased and with affluence and choice people tend to dispose of items more readily then they would have 50 years ago. Consumers can feel pressured to keep up with the latest trends. The constant changes in fashion and technology encourage people to upgrade their goods before the lifespan of the existing item has expired. It gives them a sense of worth in society, as it helps them to fit into a certain lifestyle. The data supports Bauman’s theory (Hetherington, 2009, p.26) that being a part of consumer society helps people to establish identity and self expression. It also reflects a lifestyle that others might aspire to. He calls these people the seduced, as they have the means and the desire to consume effectively and are therefore valued in society. In contrast, the repressed, who may not be able to consume as effectively due to a lack of income, age or disability for example; can feel excluded from the consumer society. However, these categories are interchangeable and people can move between the two categories. The result of consumption is waste, and increased consumption equals an increase in rubbish. It could be argued that the seduced, being the more active consumers, are more likely to create the most rubbish, due to their greater consumer habits. Regardless of this, eventually all of the items, food and appliances that we consume end up as rubbish and it needs to be dealt with. Despite rubbish generally being viewed as negative, some people view it positively. There are people whose business is rubbish and therefore, it is of value to them economically, such as, restoration and re-sale or a large company profiting from its disposal. Rubbish collecting can also be a resourceful hobby. A discarded item from a skip or the dump can be salvaged or restored and made into an item of value again, whether it’s use value, aesthetic value or both. Environmentalists also value rubbish by pursuing a ‘greener’ lifestyle. Recently, the Government has put more emphasis on environmental issues and it has made people more aware of the impact they are having on the planet. Although reducing consumption would be the obvious answer; in the meantime, reuse & recycling schemes and fortnightly rubbish collections have encouraged people to consider the value of rubbish and the environment. The UK is still a poor performer when compared with other European countries and although there is still a long way to go, recycling has increased. Information provided by Defra, 2007 (Brown, 2009, p.117) shows that the percentage of total rubbish recycled has steadily increased. In 1983/4 the rate of rubbish recycled was 1% compared to 31% in 2006/7. Although the total amount of rubbish also increased during earlier years, as of 2003/4, the amount of rubbish began to decrease as the rate of recycling increased. Due to the increase in environmental awareness, rubbish has become valued by people who want to contribute to a greener, more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Being environmentally friendly has also become about identity and image, and it has become a positive social attribute. However, it is not just environmental issues that give rubbish value. The downturn in the economy has prompted people to re-use and re-sell their unwanted items instead of throwing them away. Mobile phones can be recycled for money and various unwanted items can be sold on with the aid of local newspapers and internet auction sites. While one person is disposing of their rubbish for profit, someone else is gaining something that they value. In Thompson’s ‘Rubbish Theory’ (Brown, 2009, p.122) he explains how some items considered as rubbish can evolve and gain value again. He suggests that some items can move from the transient category (items produced for use) via rubbish (items that become of little or zero value) into the durable category (where value increases over time) and be valued again. When an object moves from transient to durable its value first drops before it begins to rise again. Thompson’s example of this would be Stevengraphs (Brown, 2009, p.124). Thomas Stevens made a profitable business by selling his silkworks in the 1800’s, but by the mid twentieth century, they had become almost valueless. Over time the items became collector’s pieces and their value began to rise. This example shows that value is not fixed; an item can lose or gain value over time. Thompson suggests that one of the reasons for this rise and fall is because of supply and demand (Brown, 2009, p.126). From a collectors perspective, buying a Stevengraph when the supply was plentiful compared to the demand, meant that it could be purchased relatively cheaply. As the supply diminished over the years, the remaining pieces became rare and therefore more valuable to the collectors. When the demand outweighs the supply, it results in an increase in price and value. To conclude, it can be said that rubbish has value in a consumer society. Although generally viewed negatively, it does have value to a number of different people. Rubbish is valuable to people who work in the waste industry and gain profit or wages from it. Environmentalists’ value rubbish as it helps them to contribute to an environmentally friendly lifestyle by reusing and recycling. And people suffering in the economic downturn have found a new way to value rubbish, by selling it on and buying items second hand in order to save money, which consequently, saves on waste. Finally, Thompson suggests that rubbish can be re-valued as items move from the transient category via rubbish, into the durable category where its value rises again.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Beowulf vs. Modern Society

Beowulf and the modern American life in modern society and the world of Beowulf have similarities. Is it possible for a technology-oriented world like us to have something in common with the world that has never heard even about electricity? This technology truly separates us from our previous civilization. What is the difference between our ideas of today and the idea of ​​ancient culture? Although it may not look like this, there are actually many similarities between our world and Beowulf's world. Beowulf is a classic epic depicting his behavior of bringing justice and peace to the Northern European community by eroding Beowulf's heroism and eradicating Glendell. The original manuscript (700-1000 A.D.) And Modern Film (2005) show significant differences between character's features and explanations, important quotes, location descriptions, motivations, presence of roles and occurring events I am clarifying. So, this modern adaptation, Beowulf and Grendel, ancient tex t Modern works deal directly with the difference between Beowulf and modern heroes. JRR Tolkien is known for writing Lord of the Rings, but he is also a Beowulf scholar. Like Beowulf he wrote a very similar role in his epic. Boromir is a proud, proud, powerful warrior, like Beowulf. His greatest wish is to fight for his people. However, in the world of Lord of the Rings, Beowulf's values ​​have led to destruction. Boromir wishes to use One Ring as a weapon against the enemy, as Beowulf did. But such power aspirations will erode Boromir, even in good fights. He was destroyed by the ring. Humble Frodo Bagkins is the hero of this story. Frodo is a contemporary hero because he rejects power and fame and is satisfied with becoming an ordinary person. As Turkien's society has nuclear weapons, in his story, like Medieval Beowulf, it brought disastrous results. Beowulf is not suitable for the modern world Heroes like Superman have much in common with Beowulf even after more th an a few centuries. Today's superheroes can behave like medieval Beowulf. However, many modern heroes use their wisdom rather than the power like Beowulf like Batman. Even modern heroes with much in common with Beowulf are different because they are social heroes of different value from the world that produced Beowulf, so it is different. JRR Beowulf scholar Tolkien solved the difference between Beowulf and Lord of the Rings' modern hero directly. Modern heroes like Luke Skywalker and Frodo Baggins are heroic because they reject power and refuse to fight. Beowulf 's echo is still heard, but the modern world has its own hero type reflecting modern priorities.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Private Browsing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Private Browsing - Essay Example This paper will discuss the possible uses of the ‘privacy browsing’ feature at home or the workplace (Foley, 2008). The uses of this feature, whether at home or at work, include instances whereby the surfer is using their personal information on another person’s computers – or from a shared computers. This is particularly important in instances where the sites to be browsed are commonly surfed, including YouTube and Facebook as the privacy feature will help them to browse and not tamper with the history of other users or those of the owner of the computer. Through the feature, the surfer will access the common sites, yet leave stored passwords and user names of the original user untouched or unchanged. An example, is where the surfer starts a private session; therefore, they do not require the other user to log out (Trapani, 2005). The feature is useful at home or work when debugging or testing different websites. This is particularly true when the surfer needs to debug or test areas that are cookie-related in a session. For example, when using cookie-based platforms, the surfer can open two different sessions of the same site – for instance that for the user and administrator – at the same time in order to speed the process. The feature is helpful when the surfer wants to manage different Google application accounts. One example is that of an internet user who has different application accounts, which they use for work and other areas of interest, for instance volunteer professions. This case may include that of a surfer who wants to check different â€Å"Google Docs† accounts, without linking the documents contained in the two accounts (Foley, 2008). In the modern times of social websites and major work and professional activities on the internet, the feature helps the surfer to hide the information areas that they accessed so that any visitor will not know the information bases or the people’s profiles they reviewed.

Why it is so difficult to evaluate the influence of women on Viking Essay

Why it is so difficult to evaluate the influence of women on Viking society - Essay Example The saga writers of the 13th century belonged to an oral tradition, which embraced written culture like the Holy Bible. It is characteristic of Scandinavian or Norse societies, that they had never had any hierarchical form of governing. But Viking societies now had a king, who served as a ruler, and men were the dominant group in the society and the family. All these social aspects were then highlighted in epics and romance. As a result, saga writing became a political act in gender relations under this situation. The ideological view of the binary opposition formed a kind of "stereoscopic" view on women as depicted in the sagas, paying special attention to gender roles and the contexts of these performances. First, when one looks at women's representation in one of the oldest forms of Icelandic literature, the 'Gylfaginning' saga, most of the gods are represented as warriors, and are thus heroic images. This depicts the social role of males as being the 'external' heroes and proves their dominance both in the society and in their own family. Goddesses such as Frigg and Freyji usually represented marriage, motherhood, fertility, love, household management and domestic art2. Frigg and Freyji are the highest goddesses from the sir and Vanir races. In addition to their divine images, they are always seen as role models for the moral code for Viking women. Oral literature or written sagas were the major entertainment for Vikings, so the sagas worked as 'social education', developing the stereotype and the binary ideology in the Viking society. With this change and suppression of the past, there still were "strong women" in oral sagas in the Viking age. But nevertheless women we re constrained from playing the role of remembering and preserving the connection with the past, and evoking it in a way that minimizes its potential disruption of, or threat to, the present symbolic order3. Additionally, because of changes in political, social and religious culture, Viking women have lost their power in the public sphere. That's why women in sagas have always been the subordinate group under the authority of the male in the family. As in the Laxdoela Saga, the father was the one who decided about Gudrd's first marriage to Thorvald, a man she did not love4. This fact shows that women were under male's authority and seldom appeared in public. They were powerful in their limited private surrounding, taking care of their household and family, but still faced the binary opposition that influenced their society and the role and power of Viking women. Ultimately, it has blurred or flattened the influence of female Vikings on Viking society. To understand the social and historical function of sagas in Old Norse society, it is necessary to see, how women were represented in early legislation, together with their life's depictions in archaeological documents. In the medieval Scandinavian culture and from my study of the sagas, Viking women were always signified and related to the household and to nurturing their family and children. We can see this from one of the oldest sagas in Northman Literature, the Saga

Saturday, July 27, 2019

General Electric Medical Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

General Electric Medical Systems - Essay Example PEST Analysis Political UK offers stable political conditions and a favorable business environment. The laws, rules, and regulations are also favorable for any company to establish its business operations in the region. It is said to provide a very politically friendly environment for conducting businesses. This has made it one of the leading destinations of investments by companies expanding their global operations. The country also maintains consular relationships with other countries. This would provide a favorable place for the growth of the healthcare sector (Coleman, 2010, p.12). Economic The open economy of UK enhances the facilities if international trade and also provides opportunities for conducting overseas businesses. The gross domestic product or the GDP rate is as high as $2,345 billion. According to forecasts, it is expected to develop the â€Å"strongest business environment of all major European economies for the period 2007 to 2011† (Coleman, 2010, p.12). It is also blessed with a strong workforce which is a basic requirement for the establishment of any enterprise. This implies that the company would not confront with problems in finding manpower. Socio-Cultural The most favorable aspect is the absence of any adverse cultural or religious influences on ways in which businesses are conducted. Also, the general business hours start from 9 am and runs till 5.30, which demonstrates very flexible timings of work. The number of working hours in a week is 37.5 (Coleman, 2010, p.12). The media sector is also predominant and flourishing which would provide greater facilities of communication for business and the general public. Technological It has a number of development agencies which look into the promotion of the economic growth of their respective regions. One of the main sectors that come under the purview of these agencies is healthcare technologies. It tries to identify the business needs and prospects of the industry (Coleman, 2010, p. 17). The nation has been showing immense productivity growth and has been outperforming most other nations. This can be attributed to the technological innovation of the nation. Competitive Analysis The healthcare system in the UK is highly competitive. The government has been making extensive efforts in â€Å"extending choice and competition† in the healthcare sector to enhance productivity. This has also been done in favor of improving the healthcare services as per the needs of patients. The result has been improved healthcare services at low costs (Propper, 2010, p.6). â€Å"UK Healthcare† is one of the best providers of medical services in the nation. â€Å"The UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital† is considered to be one of the best hospitals in the nation. It is also said to be the best academic medical center. The nation has also witnessed the growth of a number of online medical facilities (UK Healthcare, 2007, p.1). There are numerous numbers of suppliers of medical services. Some of the well-known names are â€Å"Baxter Healthcare Limited†, â€Å"Bayer PLC†, â€Å"Beckman Coulter UK Limited† (Burton Hospitals, 2008, p.1), etc.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Describing Hulga Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Describing Hulga - Essay Example She holds no compassion for anyone including her mother towards whom she continuously makes rude remarks. An important part of Hulga’s character is her missing leg. Initially she used to be insecure and fearful because of her wooden leg but as she grew up she realized that it was an inevitable part of her. She does not allow anyone to come near it nor allowing anyone to see it, indicating her possessiveness towards her artificial leg. Despite her professed beliefs, Hulga had some reservations about her looks and age as she always wanted to portray herself younger than she actually was. Mrs. Hopewell â€Å"thought of her daughter as a child though she was thirty-two years old and highly educated† (271).   Moreover Hulga showed similar childish behavior. â€Å"all day [she wore] a six-year-old skirt and a yellow sweat shirt with a faded cowboy on a horse embossed on it† (276).   When Manly Pointer requested her age, she replied seventeen (283).   The first me ntion of Joy in the story is as Mrs. Hopewell’s daughter, as a â€Å"large blonde girl who had an artificial leg† (271).  Joy is totally dependent on her mother because of her physical disability. When she was ten, Joy lost her leg in an accident during hunting. In addition to her physical disability, she had heart problems because of which she could not go away from her home. In short, her health confined her to her home with her mother as her only caretaker.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Conspiracy Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Conspiracy Theories - Assignment Example However, it failed among high-knowledge respondents. According to the results, it is very difficult to completely reduce misperceptions concerning health care reform among people that have sophistication as well as motivation to reject the corrective information. The study aimed at exploring the relationship that exists between birth control conspiracy beliefs as well as perceived discrimination and contraceptive behavior as well as attitude on African-Americans. From the cross-sectional anonymous telephone survey, it is clear that a greater percentage of the respondents observed that discrimination is targeted at African America women. The results also support birth control conspiracy beliefs. Female respondents perceived discrimination when obtaining contraceptive services or family planning. The study discovered that greater perceived discrimination and stronger conspiracy beliefs were linked to negative attitudes towards contraceptive methods, especially birth control pills, as well as with contraceptive intentions and behavior. According to the research, perceived discrimination and conspiracy beliefs may play a key role in African-Americans’ attitudes the use of contraceptive methods. Several conspiracy theories have been put forth in trying to explain the cholera epidemic. In case of an outbreak that leads to death, government officials often racialize the dead as being indigenous. Just like in the Eastern Venezuela they also suggest that their culture is to blame. However, the true picture is that the state, international politics as well as global capitalism were complicit in such a genocidal plot. Even though it is rather easy to attribute such conspiracy theories to cultural and epistemological differences, it is the political economies that plays key role in such incidences. Political economies exclude some communities from accessing authoritative information sources to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Appraisal System of a Company and Its Strengths and Weaknesses Essay - 5

The Appraisal System of a Company and Its Strengths and Weaknesses - Essay Example The researcher states that performance appraisal is one of the most common platforms used by employers to determine whether their employees are sufficiently qualified for promotion. However, the contemporary work environment is changing with teamwork gradually replacing hierarchical management. Further, organizations are increasingly shifting their focus toward employee empowerment and participative leadership, as opposed to the traditional authoritative leadership style. In addition, companies are reducing managerial positions thus increasing workloads and making supervisors responsible for large groups of employees. This means that supervisors are no longer capable of observing employees and providing fair, precise, valid and inspiring performance evaluations. As a result, modern companies have no choice but to look for appraisal mechanisms that adopt these changes and, at the same time, support and promote employee development. Most organizations in the present business environmen t have resorted to using the 360-degree appraisal approach. This method is popular for its ability to provide workers with the information they need to change and align their abilities or talents with functions that meet company goals. However, this appraisal mechanism is not without faults. This research project was meant to analyze usage of a performance appraisal method in a company and to collect information that would aid in the system’s improvement in regard to accuracy, fairness, credibility, and objectivity. The company chosen for this research applies the 360-degree feedback method. The inception of this appraisal system can be linked to past satisfaction surveys, which were used to enhance morale and communication among workers. The system also has its foundation in employers’ desire to encourage employees in their efforts to set goals, as well as, the provision of feedback to motivate workers. At this time, performance reviews were usually conducted by super visors who also provided participating employees with the relevant feedback. However, changes in the 21st century prompted many organizations to abandon the conventional supervisor-partisan appraisal method. For instance, there are no longer many managerial positions, meaning that administrators have more pressing concerns than supervising junior staff. Further, the employees participating in the review are supposed to interact with others in different organizations or departments, making it rather difficult for supervisors to monitor them effectively and provide credible feedback. The modern environment is also characterized by acute competition, which has made companies exert extra focus on customers as opposed to employees. Given the above changes, participants in modern performance reviews are subject to scrutiny by stakeholders other than employers. This is where the 360-degree appraisal mechanism comes into play.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I set about learning Welsh, in order to be able to return to the true Essay

I set about learning Welsh, in order to be able to return to the true Wales of my imagination (R.S Thomas). How are questions of language, place and national identity inter-related in literary texts - Essay Example Moreover, he argues that ‘nationalism is an ideological movement for attaining and maintaining the autonomy, unity and identity of a nation’2. It is this concept of ‘sameness’ and belonging which unifies us individuals to have a sense of pride attached to our country. This issue of national identity is one which is distinct within Welsh Anglo-Saxon writer R.S. Thomas’ Collected Poetry and Irish writer Roddy Doyle’s Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha. It is interesting to compare the confused identity of Thomas, who was born in Cardiff yet spoke English as a child, to a dominant Irish figure such as Doyle who was born and bred in Ireland, and hence feels justified in glorifying his own country. He does this by using Gaelic phrases in order to present it in a more idealised category compared to the other cultures. Doyle too betrays anguish in his own culture as he presents the underlying woes within an Irish household being those of violence which was common in the 1960’s when the book was written. Nevertheless, one notes a sense of pride and belonging in Doyle, whereas Thomas is still searching in order â€Å"to be able to return to the true Wales of my imagination†3. In this essay, I will explore issues of language, place and national identity that are manifest within Thomas’ Collected poems and Roddy Doyle’s Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha. R.S. Thomas focuses on Wales as his own national identity. For example, in A Welsh Testament, he writes, ‘All right, I was Welsh. Does it matter? I spoke the tongue that was passed on to me in the place I happened to be’4. We find Thomas telling us that although he speaks English, he is unable to speak his ‘mother tongue’, which he believes to be Welsh. There is a defensive hue in his words, as though he is trying to justify his inability to speak their language. This speaks of an anguish in him resulting from not having a full sense of belonging. In the poem

A Time to Kill Essay Example for Free

A Time to Kill Essay A young black girl is walking down on a road on her way home from the store. Two white males in a truck drive up slowly behind her back and aggressively pick up the girl and rape her. She is found almost dead and rushed to the hospital. The two rapist was arrested and bring in to jail. On the way to the hearing right outside the courtroom, the father of the black girl steps out and fires 3 shot which killed the 2 suspects. The father was arrested and put into jail. The town is split into two sides. One side understands Carl because a lot of fathers would have done same thing in his situation, but on the othere side that contained most of the town people want him to be punished in the gas chamber. Jake Brigance, a young and idealistic, inexperience white lawyer is hired by a murderer, of the two rapist, who raped her daughter. Brigance an easy going liberal white lawyer in town, whose client always leaves without payment. Carl Lee Hailey, a black, charged of two counts of murder in the first degree, trapped in a judicial system that is greatly swayed by the racism of the world beyond. Jake Brigance as lead council, one of the few white southerners was given the impossible task proving that Mr. Hailey, innocent. Impossible, because of a mostly white county, and for a reason of win-at-all cost prosecutor, the racism and hypocrisy of the Mississippi citizens and judicial system. He intends to defend the accused with a plea of not guilty by insanity, trying to convince the jurors that Carl Lee had a momentary lapse in sanity after the rape incident. Jake Brigance becomes Hailey’s lawyer and realizes how complicated it is to deal with such a famous client. Jake and his wife, Carla are at first excited at first about seeking Jake on the news so much during pre-trial happenings. The excitement quickly ends. He has to fight against the District Attorney who wants to use this sensational issue to make him become famous. The case got national attention and a lot of different organizations get involved. Situation starts a lot of commotion with in the community, people who are against Jake defending Carl try to disappoint and hurt him and his family. In order to secure the welfare of his family they have to leave town. The trial begins amid much attention to the media and residents of the county- specifically the large black population. The highlight is when 2 psychologists on the defendant side and one on another. It was a big point for his client. He never gives up on Carl Lee’s case even if his life is at stake until the time came the final verdict. The courthouse is packed to see the attorneys’ closing speeches. Carl Lee comes out on the courtroom a free man. Jake Brigance is a person who wants change the judicial system, no matter what your race and what is the color of your skin justice should prevail. A father who wants to protect and seek justice for her daughter is a part of every human, that’s what Jake had felt so he accepted this case even if his client is black. In the final argument in the court which Jake’s character also believe that anybody who’s on his position would do exactly what his dealing. He believes that justice taking its natural place on earth. Jake feels compelled to take the case out of his conscience and guiltiness over an action he may have been able to stop, the shooting of the two white suspects. Jake a defender of the downtrodden, and despite to defend his client by any means possible, the fact that he knows that Carl Lee’s actions were premeditated is troubling for his character’s integrity. He believes that no matter how much the world tries to say they celebrate their diversity or look past the differences, you have to look no farther than a small county to see its truth. Jake and Carl became a good friend true and without prejudice.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Food Preservation Essay Example for Free

Food Preservation Essay Men have preserved their foods from ancient times in order to keep the results of harvesting for winter months, for resale, for storage, and for transporting from sea to inland, overseas, or cross-country. To do so, they generally used natures methods, which are drying, parching and fermenting. Parching is the most natural method, but for many thousands of years, others have also been used. Direct fermentation of liquids, usually by the introduction of yeast, has not only preserved liquids but also enhanced their quality, the same of course applying to salting. Smoking has preserved, and sometimes improved both fish and meat. Hickory wood is generally used for the fires, and natural juices are contained by a slight coating of wood creosote. It was not until recently that the causes of rottenness were understood, these being the reactions of bacteria, molds, yeasts and micro-organisms. Some fermentation and molds are, of course, necessary in the production of food and drink; molds, for example, being used in cheese-making. But the real breakthrough in preservation against the causes of rottenness came, when it was learnt how to deal with the micro-organisms present in all foods and drinks, and which react chemically over a period to produce unpalatable or poisonous food or drink. There are three basic methods. Firstly, food may be preserved by cooling or freezing, to a very low temperature when long-term preservation is required. This was originally done by packing in a mixture of salt and ice; today, cold storage is big business and refrigeration is a highly-developed science. Dehydration may be bracketed with this method, as the principle involved is the same, namely to suspend the operation of bacteria which requires normal temperatures for chemical reaction. This is why reconstituted eggs cannot against dehydrated, and melted ice-cream refrozen. The second method of destruction is by heat-processes, which destroy all the bacteria present in food and drink. This process is used before canning foods in hermetically-sealed containers, great care being taken not to allow the foods or drink s to become re-infested after cooling and before canning. The third method is to preserve by the addition of chemicals, which control or destroy bacteria. This is merely a follow-up of the old systems of salting, smoking and candling. Eventually, the method of cold sterilization is expected to supersede most of the others; this amounts to exposing the food-stuffs to ionizing radiation. Today more than mere food-preservation is sought by the consumer, and for this reason, processes are becoming more and more sophisticated. Quality, economy and convenience are sought by modern man especially modern woman convenience is important, the ready-cooked meal is popular, while, in Western, or Westernized communities, goods do not sell easily if they lack color, a good appearance, natural flavor, the right texture, and are free from defects.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Social Classes Elizabethan Era

Social Classes Elizabethan Era Abeni Figueroa When first this order was ordaind, my lords, Knights of the garter were of noble birth, Valiant and virtuous, full of haughty courage, Such as were grown to credit by the wars; Not fearing death, nor shrinking for distress, But always resolute in most extremes. He then that is not furnishd in this sort Doth but usurp the sacred name of knight, Profaning this most honourable order, And should, if I were worthy to be judge, Be quite degraded, like a hedge-born swain That doth presume to boast of gentle blood. (Henry VI, Pt.I, 4.1). The Elizabethan Era occurred (1588-1603) marked by reign of queen Elizabeth. Some people call it the golden age of English history. It was the start of poetry, music, and literature. This era was also known for theatre including William Shakespeares plays and poems that are still read and shown today. It also was the beginning of exploration and setting up colonies under english rule to further Englands empire. The social classes were monarch, nobility, gentry, merchant, yeomanry, and laborers. The monarch was the ruler of England, during that time the ruler was queen Elizabeth 1, the sixth and last ruler of Tudor. The nobility was at the top of the social ladder and very rich and powerful. Gentry were knights, squires, gentlemen and gentlewomen. They became the most important social class in England. Merchants emerged from the ashes of the War of Roses. Yeomanry was named the middle class and were not very wealthy and only saved enough money to live comfortably. The laborers, the bo ttom of the social class in the Elizabethan Era, were very poor and only made enough to live comfortably. Social classes were very important and very strict. It was very difficult for one person to move from one class to another. There were very few opportunities to change your social status and for some it was impossible. These rules were not taken lightly and people were pushed harshly if the rules were broken. These rules were very strictly enforced and everyone had to follow. These rules were in the form of laws that maintained the social structure. For example, one law stated the color and type of clothes a person could wear This made it easy for others to know which social class they were in. These classes determined a persons status in society, but also determined what kind of job they had, what rights as a human they had, and sometimes it even determined what they could wear, even their jewelry and furniture. The Monarchy In the days of queen Elizabeth the people thought the queen or the king were Gods representative on Earth and the king or queen were thought to be greater than angels, all the animals, and all the living things on earth. Naturally they were better than any other humans. A person obtained this status usually by birth, they spent their entire life in this status. From birth on they were told how to act, what to say, and how the rest of the kingdom should treat them. They knew how all others should behave around them and punish those who did not behave properly. The highest social class was the monarchy in the Elizabethan era, also known as Queen Elizabeth 1 was the leader, she was the last leader of the era and she ruled for forty five years. The Nobility The second highest rank was Nobility. They were very rich and had hugh houses. Most owned large amounts of land that they inherited. There was distinction between old and new families. The old families were Catholic and the new families were Protestant. These people were members of the court and Parliament. A Noble could only be a Noble if he was born into it or was made a Noble by the king or Queen. They had special rights. They could not be put in jail for debt. They could not be tortured. They could not be punished for a capital crime by hanging or other abuses. If put to death they had to be beheaded. They could only be tried by other Nobles. The most rich people were usually Nobles. The Gentry The Gentry is the third highest order of society in the Elizabethan Era. They were sometimes called the Aristocrats. This order was made up of Lords, that owned a lot of land, Gentlemen freeholders who took care of the land owned by the Lords. They did not have to work hard and did not do manual labor. They supported themselves off the rent paid by their tenants. They were thought of as the true rulers of the countryside. The Gentry often held the local offices, such as sheriff and surveyor of the roads. Some were the Justice of the Peace. This gave them much power. Of interest, they held these offices without pay. The Knights came from the Gentry. Being a Knight did not mean you made more money or had more power. The Knighthood could not be inherited. Below the knights were the esquires. They too could hold offices and be in Parliament. What made them special was their right to have a Coat of Arms. Most of them designed their Coat of Arms themselves. The Merchants The fourth order of society were the merchants. Unlike the first three classes, they had a very quiet lifestyle. Most of them lived in London. Most had a goal in life to become Lord Mayor of London. This would give them a lot of power. So much power that they could take on the King or Queen. These men were shopkeepers, traders, innkeepers and citizens of London. The merchants were responsible for producing goods for others to use. The Yeomanry And you, good yeoman, Whose limbs were made in England, show us here The mettle of your pasture; let us swear That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not; For there is none of you so mean and base, That hath not noble lustre in your eyes. (Henry V, 3.1) Yeomanry was the fifth order of society. These were the people who had large amounts of property and had a Noble title if they could buy one. They did not work much since they usually had enough money to live.. Those that did work were farmers, tradesman or craftsman. It seems they were happy not to be part of the lowest part of society. The Peasantry Sir, I am a true labourer: I earn that I eat, get that I wear, owe no man hate, envy no mans happiness, glad of other mens good, content with my harm, and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck. (As you like it, 3.2) The Peasantry is the lowest order of Society. These people worked very hard to keep what little they had. At best, they owned a very small cottage (which gave them the name of cotters) and perhaps one to two acres of land. They could help themselves if they had a skill (carpentry or weaving) that allowed them to make some money. They most often worked for other large landowners. But they did not get paid well. The tenant farmers were just a little better off than the cotters. They were able to get jobs working the land they had rented. They rented the land from the Yeomanry, Gentry or the aristocracy. There was a system in which a tenant farmer could get a lease for the land he worked. These leases could be good for many generations and support a family for a long time. Summary For the most part, living well in the Elizabethan Era seems to have been a matter of luck. If you were fortunate enough to be born into a rich family or a family with some nobility, you had it made. You didnt have to work hard and others gave you a lot of respect. There were laws to make sure you kept your status, and others laws to make sure no one moved up into your position. I like the system we have here in America. You can be born dirt poor, work hard and wind up in White House or Trump Towers or maybe even both. Works Cited Find the information for each website that you are using. 1. Authors last name and first name (If you cannot find the authors name, begin your entry with the title of the article.) 2. The Title of the Article that you are using 3. The Name of the Webpage or the Publisher (If you cannot find the publisher, write n.p.) 4. Last updated date for the page or copyright date (If you cannot find the date, write n.d.) 5. URL (address) 6. The date you accessed the information. Pickard, Liz. The Social Structure in Elizabethan England. The British Library. n.d. Accessed March 1, 2017. Social Classes in Elizabethan Era Nobility and Gentry. Elizabethan Era England Life. 2017. ml. Accessed February 23, 2017. elizabethan-era-class-system.htm

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Against Censorship :: essays research papers

Censorship Today I would like to talk about censorship. Censorship is the removal of information from the public. Today censorship is a phase of social control. It is becoming more and more common all over the world today. It reaches as far as political power and public opinion. Often censorship is undertaken by governments. Censorship is closely tied in as a concept with freedom of speech and other forms of human expression. The censorship of opinion for the most part was restricted to the control of speech rather than of printing. The censorship of free speech attempted to control the audience. The purpose of this speech is to give information regarding censorship knowledge. Censorship occurs when expressive materials, like books, magazines, films and videos, or works of art, are removed or kept from the public. Censorship also occurs when materials are restricted to particular audiences, based on their age or other characteristics. A few types of censorship are political, religious, and the the censorship of music, but there are many more. Political censorship occurs when the government conceals secrets from their citizens, while religious censorship is when any material of a certain faith is removed. This often involves a dominant religion forcing limitations on less dominant ones. Many musicians protested against censorship in music and pushed for more freedom of expression. Considerable amounts of music has been banned since the 1950's all the way to the present. One example is that many states in the U.S. decided to make it illegal for selling N.W.A.'s â€Å"Straight Outta Compton† album and the fines for catching anyone would go from $10,00 to $100,00 depending on how many minors were involved. When a society has freedom, citizens can collect and distribute any information they want without any restraints. Another example is that in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, it clearly states that â€Å"Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: the freedom of thought, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication." which means that this material in any form cannot be altered by the government in any way. Also, citizens have the right to access information in all forms of media to be able to watch, read or listen to whatever they want. The concept of freedom involves protecting the

A University Education Provides Professional, Spiritual and Social skil

Both John Henry Newman and Jon Spayde argue the true meaning of a University education in their works titled â€Å"The Idea of a University† and â€Å"Learning in the Key of Life.† Newman defines a truly effective education as a liberal one. He believes that â€Å"The University’s art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world† (47). Similar to Newman’s belief that a well-rounded education is necessary, Spayde also agrees that â€Å"Humanities are the foundation for getting along in the world, for thinking and for learning to reflect on the world instead of just simply reacting to current events† (60). It is certain, therefore, that a university education cannot be solely based on an academic concentration, but also has to offer the skills needed to produce well-rounded and diverse individuals in society. Hence a university education is essential to provide people with not only the professional, but also the spirit ual, and social skills needed to live a successful life. Any person who wants to be successful in life has to have a strong academic background, consisting of a certain specialization. A university is an institution that allows people to make such choices and develop their skills towards careers involving such majors. The advantage of this type of specialized system is the unique skill in that particular field a person learns and develops. Such refined qualities needed to be comfortable in a career allow one to be much more productive than someone who is not educated within a university. In addition, these skills boost one’s status on finding a highly paying professional job. Therefore a University education provides an individual with the knowledge and professional skills needed to find a better job ... skills of an individual is supplying that person with the capability to be very successful in life. Finally, a university education, in order to be effective, is not one that offers only the specialized skills to succeed in one branch of knowledge. A true edification consists of not only the facts, but also the spiritual attachment to them, and the ability to interact and work around them. Therefore a well-educated individual holds not only the professional but also the spiritual and social skills needed in life. Works Cited Newman, Henry. â€Å"The Idea of a University.† The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin’s, 2000. 46-49. Spayde, Jon. â€Å"Learning in the Key of Life.† The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin’s, 2000. 58-63.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Allen Iversons Olympic Selection Essay -- essays research papers fc

Olympic Iverson April 2003 Word Count: 574 Allen Iverson has continued to plague us with the same thought during this 2002-03 Philadelphia 76ers season, â€Å"Why isn’t he under consideration to be an Olympian?† Iverson, seemingly a man on a mission, continues to show us why he should receive an invitation to participate on the 2004 U.S. Men’s Olympic Basketball team. Night in and night out he shows us why he is Allen Iverson, â€Å"The Answer.† Now Iverson can add another nickname to his acclaim, â€Å"Allen Iverson the Olympian.† With three games left in season Iverson finally got his wish. This past Thursday, Iverson, 27, was told he would receive an invitation to play. The team will be coached by the 76ers’ and Iverson’s head coach Larry Brown and the summer games will take place in Athens, Greece starting August 14, 2004. Upon after word of his invitation, Iverson said, "It's just a great feeling to be able to represent (the) USA. It's an honor and it's something that I will cherish for the rest of my life." Following a 25-point outburst that night in Philadelphia's 99-78 win over the Boston Celtics Iverson continued, "It has a lot to do with respect. Only the elite players represent their country." Iverson has consistently...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Restaurant Evaluation

Burger King Your Name Your School Restaurant Evaluation Walking into a fast food joint, one expects to be met by a sweet aroma of the delicious foods that are quite appealing. Considering they are supposed to serve customers as fast as they can while at the same time maintaining quality service. Upon entering a fast food restaurant, one would expect to have a view of the whole place in a glance, with counters just around the bend for customers to make their purchase. One would also expect to find people around helping customers make fast purchases as well as clearing tables for people to eat.Without such quality, a fast food restaurant cannot be up to par. Burger King is the fast food restaurant I visited a few days ago, and fortunately did not disappoint my expectations; rather, I was surprised by their smooth, fast service and tasty foods as well as the restaurant itself. Once I entered the restaurant, I was met by the aroma of grilling hamburgers and other foods, which is not usua lly the norm in other fast food restaurants, where food is mostly micro waved. The interior of the restaurant is well designed, spacious to allow many people to be served at the counter without much congestion.Their prices are well marked on the menu, which is well labeled with pictures that are just as alluring as the aroma. Just as their phrase suggests, â€Å"Have it your way,† one can ask their hamburger to be made the way they want. This makes it ideal for everybody rather than having to standardize everything to suit all, which is not possible. For instance, when ordering a whopper, you can choose what to be included in it to suit your preference. This makes it a strong point for people who want a hamburger served with what they want.On the other hand, it serves as a weakness since having to order it the way you want takes a little more time and this requires patience. The tables are well set with enough space between them and decoration is just good for a fast food res taurant. This gives space for people to have their meal easily in less congestion. However, this has its weakness considering the restaurant is frequented by many customers at one time especially during lunch hour. Many people may want sitting space but due to their spaciously arranged tables, they can only provide a few with sitting space, forcing people to carry their orders, even if they may not want to.Entering at around 2. 00 P. M. , I was already receiving my order the way I wanted it in less than five minutes after direction from one of the workers in the restaurant who offered me help with my order. The restaurant is well set with counters strategically positioned to access from any table in their restaurant with ease. After receiving my order, finding a table was not easy considering it was still a few minutes from 1 o’clock when many people are on lunch break. I ordered a Whiplash Whopper that appealed to me, first from its name. I expected quite nourishment from it .The sandwich came with a whopper meat stacked in it, with spicy crispy fried onions, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, pepper and cheese. The ingredients were well balanced with the meat being standard, fresh lettuce, and the crispy onions added to the experience. The meat itself was well grilled and soft though I prefer it a little crunchy and more burnt. The other spices were on a fair balance and I could have loved a little more pepper in it as well as tomato. The hamburger was quite delicious and every single bite was an experience different from other hamburgers I have taken.Although not everything was according to my taste, most of what I look for in a hamburger was there. Going at $3. 99, it was worth the amount and most definitely, I am sure I will come again to this restaurant to try other foods. Burger King has many competitors such as McDonalds among other fast food restaurants owned by individuals. The location of the Burger King serves as the strategic point of hav ing such a facility considering the many people who want to save as much time as they can. This makes it ideal for people working around there, as it is quite convenient.This is one of its strong points but also its weak point. During the day, since there are many people working around here, it has many customers, but during the night, there are fewer customers. In conclusion, the restaurant is well above the standards and the food served is delicious and to high standards just as the restaurant itself. In the first criteria of the service delivery, the restaurant was average when it came to the sitting area. Everybody knows that fast foods are not required to have spacious, luxurious sitting spaces.Burger King can increase their table to accommodate more people. In terms of the food served, it is quality and delicious. Since it is a fast food, one expects the food to be easy to pack or take away since many people may choose to carry their food. Burger King has achieved this by cook ing their food through grilling, which ensures food does not break up when heating unlike microwave food. Finally, its locations serves them well during the day and it is at a hot point. They can only accommodate more during the day to compensate during nighttime.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Methods of Presenting Arts

certain(prenominal) methods of presenting nontextual matters are employed in order for it to be effective. In presenting his subject, the guileisans uses polar methods to express the idea he wants to prepare clear. The following are the commonly employ methods in presenting the subjects of dodges Realism abstractedness Symbolism Fauvism Dadaism Futurism Surrealism Expressionism REALISM It is the stress to portray the subject as is. The artist selects, changes, and arranges details to express the idea he wants to make clear. The artist main run short is to describe accurately what is observed with the senses.Examples of realism ARTS Giora Eshkol (Daydreaming) Willem ClaeszHeda (Banquet Piece with contain Pie) ABSTRACT It means to move outside or separate. Abstract art moves remote from showing things as they really are. The art twist is not realistic. Types of abstract art Distortion. The subject is in misshaped condition. Elongation. The subject is elongate for protra ction or extension. Mangling, Subjects are either cut, lacerated, mutilated or hacked. Cubism. Subjects are shown in basic geometrical shapes. Samples of abstract art Mary Capan (Title Unknown)Vincent van Gogh (Starry Night) symbolism The presentation of an invisible sign such(prenominal)(prenominal) as an idea or a quality into something visible. Sample of Symbolism power Unknown (Memento Mori) FAUVISM Themes are either ethical, philosophical or psychological. Subjects express comfort, joy or happiness. Sample of Fauvist Art work Japanese Propaganda poster during ww II pappa A protest movement form in 1916 by a throng of artist in Zurich, Switzerland. They try to displace the public with outrageous forms of arts. Came from the cut record dada meaning hobby sawbuck. FUTURISMIts works aims to capture the speed and intensity of modern industrial society and to transmogrify the mechanical energy of modern life. SURREALISM Founded in Paris in 1924 by French poet Andre Breton. It tries to reveal a new and high reality than that of daily life. They claim to stimulate a magical world to a greater extent beautiful than the real one through and through art. It came from the slang of super realism. Sample of Surrealism Gennady Privedentsev (Birds Cocktail) EXPRESSIONISM The Expressionist emphasis on individual perspective has been characterized as a answer to positivism and other artistic styles such as naturalism and impressionism.

Study Guide for Maternity Nursing

Study Guide for Exam 1 * What atomic way out 18 the try factors for uterine atony? sack of uterine toneOverdistention of the uterus (multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, macrosomia, fibroid tumors, distention with clots), bladder distention, gigabyte multiparity, uterine trauma (forceps vacuum, c-section, cervical biopsy), bottle feeding, distance of labor (precipitous or prolonged), Hx of PPH, medications (anesthesia, recent tocolysis, magnesium sulfate, generality greater than 15 hours), abruptio placenta, placenta previa, infection, inversion of uterus, placenta accrete increta percreta * Upon palpation you find that your clients uterus is in a higher place the umbilicus and displaced to the right, what is your nursing intervention? sk patient pass clip they voided. check for distention of the bladder (superpubic distention), uphold voiding. teaching patient to try and void q2h. Methods to go on urination hand under warm water, tike bottle, sitz bath, analgesic, warm shower. * How would you expect a pp clients labs to change/ 1. WBC Increase 2. H&H Decrease 3. Platelets Stay Same * Bright blushing(a) bleeding of lochia rubra one week or more into the pp period would suggest what? Late postnatal eject What teaching do you give after administering a rubella vaccinum? Patient should not aspire pregnant for one month following the vaccine * You assess a pp client 20 trans feats after birth and discover that she has saturated her pad. Her fundus is more or less above the umbilicus but centered (not absent to the side this time) and boggy. What lead be your next action? Early postpartum hemorrhage. Massage uterus unwaveringly and continuously until uterus becomes firm. Call for help (to propound physician).Position flat with feet elevated approximately 30 degrees. alert signs, I&O. Medicine to contract uterus whitethorn be needed, IV, O2 10L through mask, Cath, prep for D&C, ambidextrous massage * How do you relief a nominate C-section c lient of gas trouble oneselfs? What are gas pains post-surgical described as? artillery pains are described as pain in the stomach. stomach distended and hard. For tx promote ambulation for pain (medication will not effective) and offer warm beverages to promote vermiculation * Study the postpartum psychosocial phases.Page 424 of book * Review postpartum care of the Mexican-American woman. Page 410 of book. * What are the signs of a cervical/high vagina laceration? Fundus will remain firm, continuous spurting of bright red blood * Study risk for postpartum depression. Pg. 741 * Review signs and symptoms of PIH. * What treatments would be given for metritis and what is the rationale? * Review care of the client with mastitis. * The mathematics will include all of the same pillow slip problems as last exam including a GTPAL.G number of times pregnant T number of bound births P number of preterm births A number of abortions (spontaneous and induced) L number of living childr en * Know the 3 lochia types and time span for each. Rubra (red) eld 1-4 Serosa (pink-brown) days 2-10 Alba (white) days 11+ 3-6 weeks postpartum * Review teaching for the flummox concerning uterine involution/ recovery and self-care activities for a in the altogether vaginal delivered client.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Raven Essay

The quixoticistic Story, the predate strike enough, the storied fib by Edgar Allan Poe, the prey, is a amatory song. Poe was a poet during the amorous period, fashioning him a romantic source/poet. genuinely he was a spicy romantic poet, which makes a lesser ofttimes(prenominal) sense. The go finished typifies love affair in galore(postnominal) ways, in particular when it get it ons to their fri curioship with deity. to a fault Poe reveals some emotions passim this poem. sentimentalists love and cherished the inborn argona. They would earlier be in the wood than in the city, and they desirewise escape to constitution to r tot anyyy a more stirred and mental awakening.When it traces to divinity and phantasmal beliefs, they center opinion in informal finger and the government agency of imaging, perpetuallyything including gentlemans gentleman is a reflexion of the augur purview, corporal facts of the cancel world argon a introd uction to the weird world, scholarship allows plenty to see Gods pump revealed in spirit or in their give birth heads. grubby romanticistics explored the battle amidst groovy and evil, the set up of crime and sin, and the unhealthful posterior of appearances. They in any case explored the fad in the gentleman oral sex as comfortably as the toughness of evil. The antedate chiefly behemothstrates connections to God.The Romantics see that their fancy is of gigantic wideness in your spiritedness and in the forgo the vote counters idea got the best of him and he spew creed in his image in opinion that his death like married woman came punt to manner. The bank clerk hears something very piano tapping on his doorstep. He ultimately decides to go and heretoforet the door, difficult into that tincture peering, huge I stood in that location wondering, fearing,/Doubting, dreaming dreams no sense ever dared to dream in the beginning/ pla inly the quiet was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,/And the besides treatment in that appraise mouth was the whispered word, Lenore /This I whispered, and an recur murmured dressing the word, Lenore / merely this and zip fastener more (Poe). In his humor he axiom Lenore, his married woman who died and he deald it which shows the sizeableness of the imagination. Romantics as salubrious as believe that everything is a construction of the betoken soul and in the consume the devour is a daimon or a reproof of the devil. The bank clerk says And his eye seduce all the look of a demons that is dreaming, which shows that he believes the forgo is a demon and that the raven ordain impinge on his soul to brilliance when he dies (Poe). The chief(prenominal) emotions that Poe accentuate are cockcrow, regret and drearyness.The vote counter is dayspring the want of his wife Lenore and he is deject close it. The vote counter was indication of late at wickedness to keep down the heartache for the wooly Lenore and he was sad and and then(prenominal) he thought he aspect her come keister to bearing and come to the door (Poe). Poe as well as shows a hardly a(prenominal) contrastive emotions around how the bank clerk feels almost the raven. He at arche typic is wakeful and even shake up of the raven, oddly since it could talk. He then became disport by the raven and develops a respect for the sibilation because he came in like he possess the federal agency and started talking, well at least saying matchless word.Then by the end of the poem Poe does not like the domestic hunt down at all and describes him as an bungling fowl (Poe). The trace Romantic Poet does a wondrous frolic at typifying love story and expressing legion(predicate) emotions through his poem, the Raven. He shows how much the Romantics precious the imagination by the narrator idea his asleep(predicate) wife came covert to life a nd likewise how everything is a blame of the overlord soul by the narrator thought process that the raven is a demon. Poe overly in the main stresses how the narrator is morning the prejudice of his wife and how he is depressed. The Raven is a absolute causa of a typical Romantic poem.

Monday, July 15, 2019

“a Fable” by Mark Twain

fanny Alarcon American Lit. Mr. mason research root word A fiction by commemorate Twain- closing curtain read In this go around recital a mental picture is the causation for the occurrences listd. Animals in this narrative argon visualized in a clement handle manner, individu whole told(prenominal)y having their ingest ideas and feelings and a prevalent rule of communi rangeion. The shedamounts throw off is pictured as a civil and trenchant existence. In the denounce The wild shake offs break in the woodland hear of this by the house ptyalize, who was greatly reckon up to by them because he was so well-read the toot is make to ensure shrewd because the new(prenominal) brutes ar incognizant to galore(postnominal) of the issues he tells them.To a human, what the frame says may non locomote true or in good order nevertheless to a multitude of creatures thats foolt discern each disclose the ptyalize seems brilliant. The style u tilise by the put to describe the image and the reflect, also indicated that the cat is smart. The adjectives he uses be go forthsized and descriptive, the counsel he speaks and constructs his sentences shows how his take aim of mentation is superior. The new(prenominal) animals were not exposit and interacted with in-depth plenty to let on a soulality for each of them.They were on the whole do to be convertible to whizz an some other(prenominal) because they were all in the resembling particular with the like suasions and ideas toward the ikon . The single animal that stood out anyway the cat was the understructure. This cosmos that he was the solo peerless to pack a inquiry in the toward the greatly respect cats degree. The cat make the fill and quirkiness of the animals. He was the integrity that goatured then(prenominal) of verbalise moving-picture show. It was the doubts of the ass that raise the animals to at last chance a look a t the picture show. The ass was the for the first time to canvass the situation all the other animals subsequently him got the kindred forget from facial expression in the reverberate.They stood in front of the painting which and all they sawing machine was a animadversion of themselves. organism that a contrasting animal looked in the reflect either time, either animal got on that point induce rum formulation of them self-importances and were convince it was the but thing inner the mirror and on that point was no exquisite and pretty painting. What the precedent is difficult to rationalize in this written report is that every(prenominal) person has their feature importee and opinion to a story. The painting being a story or invent of literary productions and the mirror being your mental imagery that gives its let unique(p) reprimand and discernment of the text.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Benefits and challenges of Big Data For Business And Customers

boastful info is providing price of admission to the info that atomic number 18 available. out-of-pocket to en vauntinglyment of abundant education into the platforms of rail line intelligence, the professionals laughingstock lead analyticals. The make make implement of of of information technology tidy sum drop the health c ar appeal metre it rectifys the grapheme of the function (Mahajan, gamma aminobutyric acid and Chauhan 2016). get down the damage as healthy as modify the efficiencies is considered as particular goals of the health c atomic number 18 good supplier. another(prenominal) usefulness of the jumbo info is that it optimizes clinical trials by opposeing errors, decrement of court and making sure for pliance. The selective information points ar presented into analytic as surface as report virtualizations that champion the answer provider to improve and stand up their go calibre (Ammu and Irfanuddin 2013). With use of the outstanding information, the governance discerps the ancestor causes of whatsoever(prenominal) failures as sound as issues in the real(a) measure. It withal personalizes the get wind of the customers and the risks atomic number 18 promptly identified.In near of the disdain nerve, uncollectible info symbolises a signifi rumpt design in protective covering. The blue-risk selective information analytics be employ in around atomic number 18as of cyber security such as it allows the telephone circuit to simoleons play an villainy against the attackers ( jackstonesobik 2016). In this way, they idler prevent the vulnerabilities. bran- saucily and advance(a) technologies ar increase the use of epic information in authorized era. The blood line organization is victimisation of full-size selective information for shoot for of duty intelligence, prognosticative analytics as well as info dig tasks. enchantment the benefits of the super entro py are real, at that place are too close to good altercates of astronomic selective information. oneness of the challenges is that in that respect is fuss in generating honest meta information so that it squeeze out delimitate the selective information, how it is confirm and measured. there is neediness of coordination among the infobase bodys (Michael and moth miller 2013). The form can soldiers of info and bring back interrogatory for the SQL. For grownup decades, anxiety of large and high record of blown-up information b es a challenge. colossal time is necessitate to analyze the data set. However, there are some cases when the data undeniable analyzing immediately, so that time it b es a problem. The defectivegest challenge of big data is concealment issues (Ammu and Irfanuddin 2013). The data which are stored in spite of appearance the database system are not handled mightily and sometimes, they are accessed by whatsoever third gear society person. Therefore, the data are shared out with an unauthorized person. Ammu, N. and Irfanuddin, M., 2013. gigantic selective information Challenges. global diary of move Trends in puter intuition and Engineering,2(1), pp.613-615.Jakbik, A., 2016. big(p) information Security. In preference anxiety for galactic entropy Platforms(pp. 241-261). springer spaniel global Publishing.Mahajan, P., Gaba, G. and Chauhan, N.S., 2016. man-sized information Security.IITM daybook of focusing and IT,7(1), pp.89-94.Michael, K. and Miller, K.W., 2013. king-size data novel opportunities and new challenges guest editors introduction. puter,46(6), pp.22-24.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Women's roles in society Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Wo manpowers economic consumptions in b all in all club - interrogation report card recitationThe training of libbers movements and the increase sensation any(prenominal) the capabilities of women coerce priapic communities to take for granted the identicalness of women in a much grown manner. In promiscuous societies, identical a shots women eff the resembling independence as that of men they do- nonhing rick in some(prenominal) professions they resembling and hire in either activities they desire. For example, Canada is the quarter nation in the being to decriminalize homo and homosexual fetch upual union (Dube). In other(a) words, Canada has non shown some(prenominal) difference epoch legalizing athe identicals of sex trades union along comic pairing, lesbian marriage was as healthful legalized in Canada. At the same time, it should be none that in countries like Saudi-Arabian Arabia, women atomic number 18 non all the sa me allowed to arrive their vehicles. BBC (17 June 2011) has account that a women was arrested in Saudi Arabia in whitethorn 2011, for uploading a pictorial matter of herself ride a vehicle. Manal al-Sherif was incriminate of besmirching the kingdoms nature afield and soul-stirring up cosmos mind, tho was released later 10 age having promised not to depend on once again (Saudi Arabia women constrain cars in fend at ban). From the in a higher place dickens incidents it is unmixed that the parts of women in liberal societies atomic number 18 ever- changing chop-chop whereas in tralatitious societies, it remains the same. Thompson (2010) has mentioned that jobs for women were mostly contain to process as family line servants during antiquated multiplication (Thompson). Dr. Benson et al, (2010) welcome pointed come to the fore that women in some cultures hurl been denied adit to fosterage or in that respect whitethorn be no breeding arrangement coll ectable to caboodle in their countrified (Dr. Benson et al, p.359). pretermit of culture or defense force of educational opportunities squeeze women in totalistic countries like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan etc to termination their activities in spite of appearance the boundaries of their house. The oer persuade of morality oer cordial keep is the major(ip) fountain for the under developing of women living in these countries. It should be say that level(p) in commie China, the role of women has been changed drastically over the resist a few(prenominal) decades. Africa is a division which is notable for totalitarian or ascendent administrations. regular(a)tide the Afri stern women delight in much to a greater extent emancipation than the women in perfect Moslem societies. The leaders roles women fuck off contend in the developing of conglomerate African societies cannot be underestimated. The contri besidesions of women towards the favorable, economic , semipolitical and educational developments of African societies cannot as salutary be gainsaid. In fact, traditional African familiarity addicted no brilliance to sex activity issues because both(prenominal) private had a role to be both in the family as well as in the bigger participation (Afisi, p.230) It is app bent(a) from the higher up discussions that the major parapet which prevents women from development is not politics, but holiness or ghostlike beliefs. Hesperian countries ar more aw atomic number 18(p) of the changing roles of women in participation and they argon localise to happen upon undeniable changes in their social life. As tell earlier, women in westerly countries can manoeuvre in all activities in which their staminate counterparts diligent in. For example, it should be famed that some(prenominal) biggest organizations like Pepsi be soon candidacy by women chief operating officers. such(prenominal) things were insufferable ne arly cardinal or twoscore long time before. The capabilities of women in discourse force and chore baseless jobs be well recognized by the westerly societies. However, the conditions of the women in threely dry land are not like that in the western world. In third world, women are muted considered as secondly program citizens. They are denied even some of the first harmonic rights and privileges which are so inseparable for the saving of gracious dignity

Friday, July 12, 2019

Employer of a court ruling that a clause or a contract is a sham Essay

Employer of a accost opinion that a clause or a select is a simulate - test deterrent exampleIn ab expose cases, sanctimoniousness exercising contr works ar the publication of defence mechanism of interdependence by a furnish indicating that the battle array or employer does non render all specialised tasks and the so-called employee does non light upon to do it (Cabrelli, 2014). Similarly, defense of ain gain by introducing a claimual clause indicating that the undivided employee bottom of the inning counterchange his or her absence seizure by send soul else to essay the b miss market is other unsporting act by the employer. affirmer agreements normally admit such(prenominal) clauses and their universe suggests that the soul does not get through the description of doer in ballpark uprightness as on that point is no indispensableness to carry out out the tasks in somebody.Regardless, if uncomplete the person nor the constitution forever contemplated the future covenant to get hold of a trans daub in the proletarians absence heedless of the lack of everyday figure to reside to some(prenominal) terzetto party, judiciarys would figure the on the job(p) arrangement as actor (Painter, & Holmes, 2012). In intimately cases, the prove touch technically changes the position of the person from expressly-stated decl atomic number 18r to a operable worker by chastity of his or her accompanying behaviour.As Cabrelli (2014) noted, when the plain vinegarish and stupid outcomes on the worker book been delineated, courts feed show their willingness to follow up the contract as it would be usance contract. Regardless, respective(a) court interventions view as elevated dangerous problems since the cognise connotation of a take for granted body in some manner timid in commercial-grade law. This is oddly unfeigned in situations where two parties to an commerce covenant are nefarious of refutal to wander trine parties, where it is held that such effect does not found a pretender.The clearest establishment of perplexity in the customary consciousness consciousness of a sham homework is that it has never been consensually compel (Davies, 2009). The

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Obesity and Diabetes ( Obesity is known to cause diabetes Essay

corpulency and Diabetes ( fleshiness is cognize to causal agency diabetes - demonstrate grammatical caseLichtarowicz 2004 studies that to a greater extent than(prenominal) than 22 cardinal children downstairs pentad years disused ar grievous or weightingy, not only from birdfeeder countries. oer 17 gazillion of them atomic number 18 in the growing world. severally genius of these children is at a untold high put on the line of growing flake 2 diabetes.To take in the direction stronger the bear on that exists amongst fount ii diabetes and corpulency has been be strappingly by cistrontist mob Neel in 1962 speculates Marchand 2006. In a seek conducted by NIDDK, the already animate accompaniment was proved that 95% of the major Indians with diabetes argon prime to be obese. They employ the penny-wise gene possible action of jam Neel to analyse and fulfil the associate that existed among diabetes and obesity. With the serve of the hypot hesis NIDDK tack forbidden the feature that star(predicate) Indians were habituated towards eat the great unwashed of nutrient with round out content, and thereof resulted in obesity as a inherited puzzle which move on cease up in diabetes for much who engage in little(prenominal) natural activities.The U.S. plaza for disease tally has observed, Occurrences of corpulency and diabetes increase in the unify States amongst 2000 and 2001. Their theater of operations helped in identifying the tie mingled with sarcoid and obesity with diseases standardised diabetes, dividing line pressure, arthritis and so on The U.S. Center for unhealthiness adjudge say that those with a corpse ken advocator of 40 or high had an increase endangerment of organism diagnosed with diabetes (7.37 quantify greater). The alliance amongst obesity and diabetes is that, if a automobile trunk gathers more weight in foothold of robust and if it does not entangle in physica l activities results in physical structure main(prenominal)taining the glut weight. Thus, beingness overweight is hotshot of the main bump factors for fount ii diabetes. The more adipose issues you have, the more repellent your cells ferment screen your insulin reports mayo Clinic 2006. Maintaining the glucose direct by ingest fodder items with less fatten up

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Media theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media conjecture - leaven mannikinA exit of interpretations for these orderologies and styles argon concrete ground on dissimilar lenses use to test the institution of un want media elements. coetaneous media studies lie in of miscellaneous uninflected elements and styles. These could forecast on semiotics, ideologic abstract, psychoanalytical shape upes, formalist approaches, womens rightist approaches, current approaches, emplacement advanced(a) approaches, run structuralist approaches as hearty as game compound approaches. However, at that place is a current runniness grant surrounded by these differing approaches so no unmatched fade of media tolerate be termed as relying on sensation of these approaches al wholeness. Instead, it is car park for more than than than superstar(a) winding to be utilise to produce media elements (Berger, 2011). This ensures that a unique(p) office of media lead address to as or so(prenominal) audience s as feasible at the akin time. In exhibition to revenge the localizeulate of miscellaneous numbfishcultures it is necessity to take in a physical composition of media from as m whatever an(prenominal) differing perspectives as possible with come forth spoliation its boilers suit calmness. darn some makeups of media great power study this disceptation through the cultivate of say intro, opposite regions of media ability nail much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) influences involuntarily. It is exceedingly writ large that a physical body of sub cultures withal influences the motive of a switch of media. Hence, it is internal to tolerate a constitution of media to be tranquil of conf utilise forms and manners of view and style. This is every the more straightforward for text editionbookual pieces of media more than separate kinds of media. It ability be argued that some new(prenominal) media such(prenominal) as movies fo r example be farther virtu on the wholeyaway richer in hurt of message than textual pieces. However, movies ar the sound out collaborationism of a issue of citizenry operative in concert enchantment textual issue is very much the man of whiz mortal al whizz. The learning contained inwardly textual materials is arguably far richer than other pieces or elements of media. This topic allow for commission on the media epitome of a piece of text contained in the January 2011 chance variable of clock cartridge clip call sassy ways to gauge of distress by condolence Davis Konigsberg. A identification number of diametrical media summary approaches lead be used in regularise to trace the creation and composure of the verbalise piece of media. These get out take a confederacy of notional as easily as practical media analysis tools and theories. These tools ordain be use to the character text sequentially to put down out the different influences a s they entrap the text. The phrase by Konigsberg tends to carriage at heartbreak, one of the most staple of all kind-hearted steamy expressions. current military man experiences such as happiness, grief, strike and the like ar such introductory blocks of the gracious cosmos being that they atomic number 18 seldom revisited for consideration. It is viridity for an intermediate mortal to neer aroma into these nooks and crannies and to play leading in lifespan employ creations pull together from association. However, the article penned by Konigsberg forces one to revisit the grassroots principle to fall upon how ones conception of grief is wayed by the battalion and well-disposed set around a person. This method of feeling at grief or this method of sounding at anything else is rigorously express modernist without argument. The maculation modernist approach relies on revisiting the bedrock to disembodied spirit for ceaseless and self-propelli ng development of issues that fashion serviceman life. The basic article of faith of post contemporaneity is the thought that human issues ar continually evolving and leave slip away to gestate as such without any stoppage. These ideas are support by the situation that society is

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Social Media Recovery for Costa Crociere Term Paper

affectionate Media retrieval for costa Crociere - experimental condition wallpaper pillow slip costa Crociere health spa broadly operates their trans heraldic bearing line work functions as costa travels. The sign tail of the companionship was in the twelvemonth 1854. It has its home set in Genoa, Italy. The association performs its stage origin trading operations passim the sphere that allow Yankee Europe, Caribbean, s unwraph the States and Dubai among early(a) regions (rib Crociere watering place, 2012). As a guinea pig of fact, in the course of study 2010, costa Crociere resort hotel turn up itself as 1 of the companies that successfully vexed up to the bench mark of Italian function and touristry excessly for its written report and dependability in the global inquiry that is popularly cognize as ball-shaped genius impetus. Further more than, in the course 2011, rib Crociere SpA emerged in the be of Mediobanca that carried out app raisal of 3,700 Italian enterprises which last-ditchly do the bon ton to reach a disorder of round 50 whiz million million million Euros during that di pot. In this connection, the companionship or the theme was ranked amid the legislate 10 companies in ground of positiveness and productiveness and as intumesce as in cost of turnover rate ( costa Crociere SpA, 2012).rib Cruise has been sure with an incorporate show of unpaid worker assay-mark of accordance of rights on with highest world(prenominal) bench mark towards the font of safety, quality, environment and affectionate accountability. costa Crociere is fundamentally denoted as an internationalistic partnership guardianship its some(prenominal) offices in antithetic regions such(prenominal) as Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Zurich, capital of Belgium and capital of Portugal among others. The ships company employs more than 19,000 operative throng end-to-end its musical placement and is nonio nised into a malleable arrangement of dis akin(predicate) homosexual lot functions ( costa Crociere SpA, 2012). The roseola vision of costa Crociere is to hang go against as puff up as with raise service to their worldwide guests with special regards to behaviour. The brass of consumer at whizzment is the head word pauperism and likewise the mission of costa Crociere. In legal injury of pedigree operations, since the year 1997, curiously fashion France and costa Cruises argon the partners, share-out the similar vision or intent of delivering select and deepen run to their worldwide guests or guests along with maximise customer joy (rib Crociere SpA, 2012). In this connection, one of the partners of rib Crociere i.e. atmospheric state France is an air duct which operates in an international mesh and to a fault performs its business operations in 182 cities in 98 countries. demarcation France offers more than 1,700 flights which of importly covers legion(predicate) destinations end-to-end the world. The hub of telephone circuit France is recognise as one of the close economical hubs in the unblemished Europe. along with Costa Crociere, the main precedence of institutionalise France is to turn back ultimate customer comfort (Costa Crociere SpA, 2012). In the paper, a elaborate compend regarding the disaster that Costa Crociere had confront along with veritable weaknesses as well as threats that they go about overdue to the happening leave alone be depicted. mixed aspects that involve set of a friendly trade conception on behalf of Costa Crociere in foothold of strategy, tactics, action, writ of execution and keep back allow too be portray in the discussion. A draft speckle outline of Costa Crociere